- Web Development & Design + 3D Augmented Reality – Howest
- XR for everybody – Michigan online / Coursera
- XR Foundations for educators – XRTerra
- AR/VR Development and 3D graphics – NYU
- WebXR with Three.js – Udemy
- XR Business strategies – XRTerra
- AR developer – XRTerra
- AR designer – XRTerra
- XR developer – Circuitstream
- XR designer – Circuitstream
- Introduction to XR: Applications and Technology micro degree – Trinity college
- VR development for beginners – LearnXR
- Smart XR developer – Howest
- Extended reality – Erasmus Hogeschool
- XR Developer – Syntra Limburg
- Unity XR – Coursera
- XR Bootcamp
- Dalux TwinBIM
- Fuzor
- Genie Vision
- PTC Vuforia Studio
- Augment
- Zoom
- Microsoft Teams
- XMReality
- Remote Eye
- Vuforia Chalk
- VSight
- Pointr Easy Remote Support
- Mix Assistance
- Sightcall Remote Assistance
- Sketchup Viewer
- The Wild
- Unity Reflect
- Gamma AR
- Azumuta
- GoRound
- Proceedix
- Passerelle
- Atheer
- AugmentedPro
- Augmentir
- Eon Reality
- Microsoft dynamics 365 Remote Assistance
- ScopeAR Worklink
- TeamViewer Assist AR
- Upskill Skylight
- PTC Vuforia expert capture
- ARFoundation (Unity)
- XR Interaction toolkit (Unity)
- Unreal Engine
- Vuforia
- Wikitude
- Zapworks
- 8thWall
- Lightship
- Lens Studio
- ARKit
- Babylon.js
- Three.js
- PlayCanvas
- A-Frame
- AR.js
- MRTK (Unity / Unreal)
- Adobe Aero